RUSF 14 Addresse Phone number:———- Addresse :——— Facebook Page: Website:
RUSF 14 Addresse Phone number:———- Addresse :——— Facebook Page: Website:
RUSF Franche-Comté E-mail Phone number:03 81 66 56 26 Emergency phone : To be used only for emergencies (OQTF, CRA placements etc.) No registration information will be given.———- Office address:03 81 83 07 13
Collectif de défense des étudiants sans-papiers de Toulouse E-mail address:collectif.etudiants.etrangers.tls[at] Phone number:———- Emergency phone : To be used only for emergencies (OQTF, CRA placements etc.) No registration information will be given.———- Office address:———- Days and
RUSF 51 E-mail address:rusf[at] Phone number:———- Emergency phone : To be used only for emergencies (OQTF, CRA placements etc.) No registration information will be given.———- Office address:———- Days and hours of the offices:———- Facebook page:———-
RUSF 21 E-mail address:rusf-dijon[at] Phone number:0621128137 Emergency phone : To be used only for emergencies (OQTF, CRA placements etc.) No registration information will be given.0621128137 Office address:———- Days and hours of the offices:———- Facebook page:———-
RUSF 59 E-mail address:philippe.enclos[at] Phone number:———- Emergency phone : To be used only for emergencies (OQTF, CRA placements etc.) No registration information will be given.———- Office address:———- Days and hours of the offices:———- Facebook page:———-
Les étudiants de Galois et leurs amis E-mail address:Etudiants_de_galois_et_leurs_amis[at] Phone number:———- Emergency phone : To be used only for emergencies (OQTF, CRA placements etc.) No registration information will be given.———- Office address:———- Days and hours
RUSF 83 E-mail address:rusf83[at] Phone number:———- Emergency phone : To be used only for emergencies (OQTF, CRA placements etc.) No registration information will be given.———- Office address:———- Days and hours of the offices:———- Facebook page:———-
RUSF 34 E-mail address:rusf34montpellier[at] Phone number:04 67 14 23 10 Emergency phone : To be used only for emergencies (OQTF, CRA placements etc.) No registration information will be given.06 06 43 49 86 Office address:Porte
RUSF 13 E-mail address:rusf13[at] Phone number:———- Emergency phone : To be used only for emergencies (OQTF, CRA placements etc.) No registration information will be given.0677662410 Office address:———- Days and hours of the offices:———- Facebook page:———-